Sunday, 10 January 2010

Hospitals and EMRs: Stimulating a connection

Availability of government stimulus money, combined with hospitals being allowed to finance portions of physicians’ electronic medical record systems, could make EMR adoption a veritable bargain. Or the stimulus money could make hospital systems less eager to help pay for your EMR, figuring that government funds will instead.
Either way, the possibility of combining two avenues of EMR funding has added a twist to the economic picture for physicians deciding what, when and whether to buy.
Doctors can get a maximum of $44,000 in funds from the federal economic stimulus package for adopting a certified EMR system that meets the government’s “meaningful use” standards. How much physicians get in stimulus funds will be based on the percentage of their practice that is made up of Medicare or Medicaid patients. Hospitals can get their own share of stimulus funds, but the amount depends on how they’re connected with physicians.